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Metatronic Life

Metatronic Life

Practice Makes Perfect

As a Metatronic Teacher, people think that my connection with Metatron and the healing energies given through the transmissions and attunements that we receive is soo easy for me!  But the truth of it is this is not so.  At times it can be just as difficult for me to connect and receive as anyone else.  So here are some thoughts and reflections on how I make my connection more reliable.

Firstly you may have noticed that when you come on a Deepening Day or on a Metatronic class, the connection is much easier and more direct, but when you get home this seems not to be the case, or soon after it gets diluted by you living your life.

For me, I notice it is much easier for me to connect with Metatron in my home where I have a regular sitting spot in the living room.  If I am in a strange place, it is more difficult.  Why?  Because the “habit” is there, the vibration, the practice of the connection is there so that when I sit down, my system is already tuned.

It is the same when we take a Metatronic class, the group field is engaged and then the energies flow and the connection is effortless.  In a way the Metatronic Group Field is like the space that I have now created in my living room.  Its my own personal group field.  It is a hot-spot where the energy and the connection are practised and grounded on a daily basis.

So the first thing is that I want you to be aware that if this is important to you, find a space where you live that you can dedicate to sitting with Metatron.  I had a meditation student who found that the best place for them to “sit” was on the landing.  They felt safe and comfortable and liked sitting there.  A small ritual of lighting a candle can be another signal to the psyche that you are about to do something different.  It might be a good idea to have some of the course summaries stored there so that you can use them to remind you of what the sequences are.  In this way, we build up a habit of connection that becomes its own Metatronic Group Field.

Working with Metatronic Healing is no different from learning to play say a musical instrument.  Unless you pick it up or sit down to play it, nothing happens.  If you want to be a writer, you have to write.  if you want the journey of running “from couch to 5K”, you have to begin and continue until you reach your goal.  It is the same for all things.  If you want to learn to cook food you have to do it.  So if you want to have the Metatronic connection in your life, you have to put yourself in the way of it.

And I say it that way on purpose because you cannot dictate what it will be or how long it will take.  We do our best to explain the pathway and the energies, but with Metatron and Metatronic Healing we are dealing with mystery.  There is no way, with words, we can say truly what it is.  So we need to put ourselves in the way of it and let it touch us.

Often we are expecting something to come from outside us.  But in truth, it comes from within as a whisper that is ours.  It is very easy to overlook this whisper as we gaze out trying to listen to something else because it is so quiet and within us.

Sometimes when I sit, nothing happens.  But whether nothing happens or something happens, still I sit.  I show up.  In the moments when nothing appears to happen, it is up to me to make the move.  So instead of moaning to myself, I invite myself to open my heart, and relax my mind and soften any tension.  I become present to myself, and then I get up and get on with my day.

There have been times when I have been touched by the sublime, and afterwards, I have walked with Grace.  And in these times I have known that what I am experiencing is a gift to show me where to go.  And when it leaves, as it inevitably does, I have a choice. I can either just leave it there or hear the invitation to create and allow the conditions to make it mine.  To make it a living part of me, like my breathing, or my heart beating.  I walk with a finger-tip of knowing, resting on this awesome mystery we call Metatron.  When I allow this, my day is different than it would have been.  I walk with the divine.  This is Metatronic Life.

Richard Farmer