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Metatronic Life

Metatronic Life

About Metatronic 1-1 Healing Sessions

Can Metatronic Healing help me and how? 

Yes, it can. Energy or Life Force is the foundation of being well and is a natural part of our makeup. This has been known throughout the centuries and is once again gradually becoming acceptable in the West. You might think about it like this: when the flow of our life force is compromised or blocked, this has a negative effect on our health. By directing a flow of healing energy towards these places of constriction, the restriction is unwound and released, restoring the natural balance to the system.

What causes these restrictions?

It can be as simple as an injury that has not been fully healed or embraced. It could be some past emotion that has been ignored or suppressed. It could be genetic, a family trait passed down through a way of thinking, which eventually takes its toll. Each restriction affects our body in a unique way and may manifests that weakness in a particular organ or in susceptibility to a particular illness.

What does a healing do?

It flushes out the dense fears, emotional issues, conditioning and energetic debris which hold our ‘stories’ within the cells of our body and energy system. These blocks are gently released, allowing more of the light that is a reflection of our truest nature to be revealed. Our perception of reality thus begins to shift, unwinding tensions, releasing inner pressure and therefore promoting physical and emotional health – this is holistic healing.

How does it do that?

A Metatronic Healer has potent and loving frequencies at their disposal, ranging from core aspects of Metatron’s energies to the vibrations of crystals and precious gems like diamonds and rubies, and metals like gold and silver. An Advanced Metatronic Healer can have up to 60 different healing energies which can be used in any combination to meet a huge number of needs. Of course, all of this is overlighted by the angelic healing of Metatron.

What does a Metatronic Healing session entail?

First, you may discuss what you wish the healing focus to be. For example, it may be an area of contraction, tension or body issue you have been experiencing. Or it could be a difficult situation, relationship or recurring pattern in your life that you feel it’s time to heal. 

You may be invited to lie down and receive the healing, but you can just as easily receive it sitting if you wish. There is no need to be touched if you don’t want to be. However, in-person a light touch of support can be healing in itself. Metatronic Practitioners can also offer healing sessions at a distance. 

About booking a session.

Metatronic Healing Practitioners can be contacted via our Metatronic Healing Practitioner Register Individual practitioners are listed on our register by region (alphabetical listing) and are available through their own practice. As a general guide sessions can last approximately 60 minutes, with time allowed to:

  • Ask any questions you may have.
  • Discuss your individual needs and areas of focus.
  • Experience the healing to see if it suits you and you it.
  • Exchange any relevant feedback after the session if appropriate.
  • You can also discuss how many sessions may be relevant to your needs.

About Session Prices:

Metatronic Healing® Practitioners listed on the register are available through their own practice, setting prices in accordance with location and level of training. All practitioners are certified to offer distant healing.

Metatronic Healing Practitioners Code of Ethics


Metatronic Healing® is a complementary energetic healing modality. It is not a replacement for medical treatment. Please consult your doctor for medical issues in addition to any complementary healing you receive.