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Metatronic Life

Metatronic Life

Metatronic Classes Online Information

How are Online Classes delivered?

Metatronic Classes Online are via the Zoom platform. We recommend that you download the free app which simply requires your email to register and then it’s easy to connect with a Meeting ID Number which we give you when you register for a class.

Mindful of the potential effects of a lot of screen time, there are extended periods of off-screen time whilst you receive the gifts of the Transmissions and Attunements and group healings.

These are often taken sitting comfortably or lying down with the teachers connecting by audio-only whilst you relax into them.

We do advise you not to connect via a smartphone unless you have to as the screen is so small it hinders you from having a more direct and personal experience with the teachers and fellow classmates. For this reason, we do recommend you use a device with a big a screen as possible, if you have a choice. If your internet speed is slow, make sure your other devices are offline or other people using the internet are not so that your signal is as strong as it can possibly be.

Same with the audio, headphones or earphones or if you do not have these then a good pair of speakers on your system. It will help the quality of your direct experience and help other to hear you too which is important.

It might be a good idea to try it out with a friend beforehand so you have the most and best listening and visual experience.

Like in-person class, there are suitable breaks for integration after the energetic sessions.

Student Responsibility Agreement Form

When you sign up for a class, you will receive the full joining details in the week before the class. In details will include a link to complete the student responsibility form for the class you will take. Completion of this form is always requirement for your participation. 

Online Class Etiquette

It is important for the teachers that you keep your video stream on when requested, partly so that they can see you when speaking to the group. Partly to get a feel for how you are receiving the work, as this is different Online than in an In-Person class. And finally for us to know you are there for all the Attunements and Transmission which cannot be missed.

We wish you to act the same way as you would in an in-person class.

For instance, no snacking or eating during a class session, this is done during the breaks. Giving your full attention when the teacher or a class participant is speaking. Or leave the room for a few moments, unless an emergency occurs.  

For the energy and safety of the class energetics and group field, it is important that you stay present and focused giving your best attention to what is happening.

Small breakout rooms are integrated into each class as a time of listening to and sharing experiences and insights received during the class. This is an element which helps integrate your experience and supports the connected and personal sense of the group you are participating with. Included in the class joining details you will receive the guidelines for the etiquette the break out rooms you may participate in. Please ensure you read and familiarise yourself with them.

Thank you for considering this.

The Zoom Platform

The Internet connection can be unstable sometimes, so to be certain that connection can be maintained at all times, the phone connection is enabled for UK and USA participants so that if it goes down, you can stay connected until your internet connection is re-established.  You may also use Whats App if phone is not available through your 3g 4g or 5g coverage.

If the internet connection is lost during a Transmission time, then just stay present with the focus and all will be well.  Let us know via text and try to reconnect as soon as possible with a phone etc.

Please note that classes are either facilitated as an In-Person Class or as an Online Class.  It is not possible to provide a combination class; i.e. for a student to link in to attend an In-Person Class Online.

All of this ensures the fullest online experience of a Metatronic Class.

For those new to online technology?

Those who are unsure about using the online technology will have an opportunity before any online class to clarify your zoom app controls etc with the teacher. Anyone who wishes to be guided around the zoom app or screen may join online 30 minutes before the start, for example, if the class begins at 10.00 am you may come at 9.30 am. If it starts at 2.00 pm you may come at 1.30 pm and so on.

We do hope that’s clear for you any questions don’t hesitate to contact or talk to Richard or Clare